The proposal
Don't get confused about the most important question you will ever ask!
Have you made up your mind?
This is the person you want to continue and build your life with?
You want to make this proposal an unforgettable moment, in your image ?
So'Surprises will be there to imagine and prepare with you this moment by personalizing it by your side.
Are you: American, romantic, original, intimate, French style chic ? Keep calm !
We are here to help !
Bachelor Party ?
What is it ?
Are you witnesses?
Well, you will have a few missions and responsibilities until D-Day, such as organizing this weekend between guys (or not by the way, at So'Surprise, we love to break the codes).
Usually organized over a weekend, you will have to contact the whole gang and manage to get them together.
The issues:
* Finding a date that suits as many people as possible giving priority to those who are closest to you,
* Defining a budget where everyone can follow,
* Defining a dynamic and varied program that pleases the participants but especially the future groom!
*(I have lots of anecdotes about my bachelorette party to share with you as my best friends who woke me up at 3am (when I'm a heavy sleeper) to train in a club (when I hate it). But they know that I love them anyway !
We will be able to guide you on this project in order to reduce your stress and avoid faux pas.
Same principle but for the Bride
Bachelorette party for Mademoiselle future Madame.
It is sometimes customary, for both ladies and gentlemen, to disguise the groom or the bride and make him/her some nice forfeits in public to show it off.. This practice is not to everyone's liking. Once again, you must be vigilant to avoid any faux pas. So'Suprises will have lots of ideas for games or activities to mark the event.
Depending on availability, it will even be possible to accompany you so that the witnesses are as relieved as possible.